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Welcome to those who wonder…

Welcome to those on a spiritual, as well as scientific quest…

Welcome to those who know there is more to be found about the questions of creation, the meaning of life, and the afterlife…

Welcome to those who want to understand the majesty and glory of creation…and aren't afraid to move Beyond God and Science.

Since my own Near Death Experienc (NDE) in 1995, I first spent two years trying to make sense of what I learned, then spent the next 12 years trying to ignore it all. Funny thing about trying to ignore has a tendency to keep knocking until you "take the box back off the shelf" and peer inside. During the ensuing "closed box" era, there have been amazing discoveries in science, physics and the exploration of consciousness as an external reality, that have brought my initial wandering full circle.

And now...after throwing the lid off of the box altogether, the nature of reality is unfolding at a speed that seems to say, "Come on...what are you waiting for? The Answers are here..."

This project is my attempt to begin the conversation anew, this time starting with the common threads that tie physics, faith and everything in between, together. It is in the common threads that this amazing tapestry are woven...

With open minds, and open hearts, we will begin to look Beyond God and Science...

The image on right, is a Hubble Space Telescope composite of what many have come to call "The Eye of God Nebula." When first published, it was widely shared on the Internet as proof that indeed God is in the universe, and has a hand in our creation. Rather than the actual "eye of God," this nebula is one more example of the unbelievable majesty, and beauty of this creation--even in death--as it represents a star in the final throws of its own demise.

While it's true that in regards to our life in this time/space, "nobody gets out of here alive," religion, and now science, have begun to point toward something beyond life here on earth.

Having experienced both, to some degree, it is my hope to expand the dialogue, expand the learning, and look for answers regarding the oldest question on earth;"Is there life after death?"

Journey with me...join the quest for knowledge Beyond God and Science...

Coming Soon...
  • The Ties that Bind...looking at the common threads bewteen the different aspects of science and faith.
  • Cosmology -vs- Quantum Studies… Looking at the past-vs-looking into the future...and does either really exist?
  • Looking at the big picture…creation-vs-evolution...or both?
  • Looking at the small picture…sub-atomic communication, the "cosmic blanket", and God's Information Highway
  • If this is a digital reality, and consciousness is eternal, then who is running the simulation?
  • Where to next? Recent discoveries...interviews with the may need a scorecard...