Send inquiries,
suggestions, questions, and answers to:
“There is no doubt that Marley was dead. This must
be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story
I am going to relate.”
These words, which are part of the opening paragraphs to Dicken’s
“Christmas Carol” are really at the root of the beginning of this
journey. But in my case, the line should read, “I died, and came
back to tell about it. This must be distinctly understood or nothing
wonderful can come of the amazing wonders of our universe and beyond.”
But, before we begin the journey, I want to lay out some ground
rules and explain my purpose in doing this.
First and foremost, I am not out to convert anyone to my way
of understanding. I am not out to make money. I am not going to
debate my faith, or your faith, or politics, or anything else that
has to do with a rigid, dogmatic belief in “one way only” thinking. Because, at the root of what I have learned, the amazing complexity/simplicity
of reality (sounds ambiguous, I know), makes room for all sorts
of beliefs. And there is simply no reason to hang your hat on any
one of them exclusively. Furthermore, I steadfastly refuse to do
So let's start by heading off any problems or disagreements in the
concept of why you are here before we both waste one another's time.
1. If you practice a religion that demands that you
believe in their creation myth, or does not allow followers to include
science, physics, evolution or external consciousness in a list
of possibilities to the nature of reality. PLEASE STOP READING NOW.
2. If you are a "hardened scientist" with your own belief that there
is no possibility for external consciousness, an existence beyond
traditional Newtonian physics rule sets, or demand that the agnostic/atheist
approach to a creator, or creation through evolution is by way of
external forces is impossible. PLEASE STOP READING NOW.
If you are open to the admitting that every single creation myth
(be it based on religion, or Big Bang evolution) may have an unknown
element, and are interested in the journey toward the answers behind
countless questions about the "spooky science" of both quantum mechanics,
and our existential selves residing outside of this day-to-day life
we know...KEEP READING.
This journey has taken me to places I could never imagine, with
results that continue to puzzle, push, tweak, and amaze. But at
the base of all of it, is the reality that on an August night in
1995, I went to sleep not caring a whit about science or physics
and certainly not quantum mechanics, and awoke with more knowledge
than I could seemingly extrapolate in a lifetime.
If there is a "miracle" in this story, it is the fact that before
the NDE, not only did I have no interest, but all but failed my
high school and college classes in both math and biology. This was
due mostly from sheer laziness, and lack of interest, as my real
interests were in music, athletics and socializing. Science and
math were for "eggheads" and those who couldn't tune a guitar or
hit a curve ball. However, upon my "retrieval from the other side"
of my NDE, I had more overarching knowledge about the "wiring of
reality," than my mind could distill. It was all a very clear Before/After
effect that was a blessing and a curse.
However, the inescapable fact is...It happened.
When I had the NDE experience, (of which you can read a
brief explanation here), it came at a time in my life, when
investing huge amounts of time, energy and focus into the exploration
of life, became counterproductive to LIVING my life. With young
children, a new business, a wife starting a new teaching career,
and the inability to discern between day-to-day and the seemingly
unending task of “making sense of the universe,” I found that my
only real path for mental and spiritual survival, was to put this
spiritual/scientific quest “in a box,” and place it on the
back part of a mental/psychological shelf. I knew where it was if I needed
to pull it down. But, I also knew that opening the box, without
the proper attitude, and strength in spirit, could start yet another
long and confusing trip “down the rabbit hole” again.
Almost fifteen years passed, from the time of my original NDE,
and a series of events that seemed to not only shake the box off
of the shelf and into my hands, but also force me to open it, and
start my journey anew. Over that time, there were countless discoveries
and developments in science, communications, and events that rattled
the faith of even the most stalwart. The
world, while becoming more and more interconnected, seemingly has
begun to shake apart at its very foundation spiritually, financially,
and physically.
Then death, a topic for which I obviously have a different
view than most, began to become a more regular visitor in the lives
of those close to me. In the course of a two-year period, no fewer
than 12 friends and members of my family lost their lives to various
forms of illness, accidents, and disease.
In addition, I have watched my parents, some close friends,
and acquaintances battling cancer, with the obvious fear, determination,
and fatigue that such battles bring about.
In every case, I found myself stuck in the hopeless situation
of not really being able to offer comfort from my perspective. I
felt that to infringe upon their beliefs, in a time of need, with
my “strange story of everlasting life” was simply not the right
thing to do.
However, in every case, I felt compelled to continue my own
search, perhaps in some way of giving myself comfort, by way of
knowing that there is indeed so much more to this world, the universe,
and far beyond our measurable universe, that gives purpose to our
transitory existence.
Then, a funny thing happened when I opened the box…
I found out that like the old Little League Baseball hats that
I keep stored in a box on a shelf, that remain the same hats, yet
offer a different perspective of understanding and comfort when
viewed with the eyes of experience and wisdom, “the box of infinite
wisdom” had in fact continued to evolve on its own, and perhaps
grow stronger in power, and more resolute in challenging me to make
my life more fulfilling.
Even more important, I found that with age, and the acquired
wisdom that comes through confidence in living another decade and
a half in this life, came a cessation of fear and doubt of being
exposed as a “weirdo” in a society that judges those who do not
walk the path of societal consensus.
I have in fact, become resolute in following the wise words
of Dr. Seuss, “be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind
don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
However, even this simple
quote opens multiple doorways, as it is popularly attributed to
Dr. Suess, but may in fact have come from an interview with American
financier, Bernard Baruch. Thus is the way of “facts,” in our reality.
every “Law of Science” there is a theory that refutes, questions
and potentially transmutes that law from irrefutable fact, to the
relm of “Oh my God…what were we thinking?”
of the great religions suffer from the same fate, when common sense
and reason are used as a means of measuring the historic verasity
of the claims. For every creation story, taken as “fact” by
those who have closed their minds to a greater understanding, there
are countless scientific facts that force us to question the holy
literature upon which these religions are based.
experience, and those of hundereds of thousands, if not millions
of others who have gone to the “other side” and returned with a
greater knowledge of “what is,” know that God (your choice and flavor
of God) and Science (again, your choice and flavor) do not have
to be mutually exclusive.
the basis of this project, is my belief and steadfast knowledge
that the REST of the story (as our good friend Paul Harvey liked
to say) is so much more amazing, wonderful, and almost incomprehenisibly
beautiful, than any basic religious rhetoric, or simple scientific
law falls far short of the reality of what this life, and life beyond
this life offer.
start with a couple of “fun facts.”
is estimated that there are more between 20 and 100 TRILLION cells
in the human body.
is estimated that there are more than 7*1027
atoms in the average human body. That is, 7 followed by 27 zeros:
7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (assuming that the majority
of atoms in the human body are hydrogen, oxygen and carbon).
Each of these atoms, have sub-atomic particles that may (or
may not, depending on your quantum science beliefs) communicate
instantly with every other atom in the known universe.
There are more than
70 Trillion stars in the known universe.
But in between what we can see and measure, are an infinite
number of sub-atomic particles, that create a communication grid
between all that is seen, and unseen, and all that is in this time/space
and beyond.
(or you can watch Monty
Pytyon's "Galaxy Song" for a more entertaining way
of blowing your mind with numbers)
Can you start to get an idea why “On the first day, God created
the Heavens and the Earth,” or the scientific version of “The Big
Bang,” are both regarded as palatable, and far easier to pledge
simplistic faith, than a combination of a reality that has both
unbelievably complex science, and an equally complex “infinite intelligence”
that transcend common religion and science?
But at the same time…doesn’t it make complete sense, that if
the overwhelming math of the universe is true, and if in fact that
there is a universal intelligence that runs through all of it (and
in fact may be creating our reality externally through digital information)…that
there is far more to creation than EITHER traditional religion or
science can explain easily? Is it not possible that both the Big Bang and
Creation are one in the same? Is it not possible that “God” (again
a limiting word in itself) is in everything, in and outside of time
and our universe, but can be in some ways proven through scientific
I am not prone to Quixotic or Sisyphean endeavors. But I am
equally aware of the fact that the “Answer” is in fact a moving
target of sorts. Because unlike a theory, that can be proven, or
disproven through mathematic equation of experimentation, or something
as revealing as God tossing tablets down from heaven, or the Four
Horsemen of the Apocalypse thundering from the heavens, I am working
on innate knowledge passed to me through my NDE experience. I work
from a level of intuition, deduction, and ferreting out the facts
from what I already “know” to be true, but then, explore the scientific
theories that support the intuition. you will see, there are countless
allies in my battle against close-mindedness, that are banging
the edges of science and theology in ways that create a compelling
argument against the status quo.
I am not a mathematician, or quantum physicist (as my “D” in
HS geometry would attest). I don’t understand the math involved,
but for reasons that still haunt and confuse me, have been allowed
to understand the results, trends, and to some degree the inner
workings of this reality. It is not a blessing. It just is, what
it is.
Instead of writing a book, or making a movie, or starting a
movement, or even charging admission, as a way to turn this all
into an avocation, I choose instead, to make the journey public,
and available to anyone who has the open mind to journey with me.
And so, while I am still able, while I am still breathing and
thinking and communicating, I am starting this new endeavor to try
to distill some of the best of both worlds, into a rough form of
Why? Because in the end…if you can get beyond the basic limitations
of religion and scientific camps, both rooted in their need for
funding, support, and followers, and realize that in everything
we can see, touch, feel, and sense, is a universe made up of the
same building blocks, interwoven with the infinite majesty of universal
intelligence, we should be able to break down the barriers that
are keeping us from actually enjoying the gifts of this life.
To understand the majesty and glory of the universe, this life
and life after death…you need to move Beyond God and Science.
Let’s get to work.